1. Click the Rental Property tab
  2. Click the Rent Center button.
  3. Quicken displays a list of your properties, tenants, and rental payments.
  4. If you're tracking more than one rental property in Quicken, select another property in the Show list to view the rent details for it.
    • Why do I see a choice called Unknown property?
  5. To view the data for the current year, select Current year in the Date Range list.
    • Tell me more about the options in the Date Range list.
  6. To view or edit the information about a property, click the property name. (Optional)
  7. To view or edit an existing tenant's information, click the tenant's name. (Optional)
    • What is unknown tenant?
  8. Quicken displays informational icons on the Rent Center to indicate late payment, lease expiry, and vacant property.
    • What do the icons mean?


This feature requires Quicken Business & Personal. This feature is not available in Canada, Learn how you can upgrade Quicken in minutes.