Use the Reinvest Short-term Capital Gain transaction type to record the short-term capital gain (gain on an investment owned for less than 12 months) reinvested in the same holding. Since this purchase is made out of the capital gain, there is no impact on your cash balance.

Note: Your broker may mention the payment as long-term capital gain and its investment in shares as two transactions in your account statement. You need to remember this when reconciling your account.

To add reinvested short-term capital gain

  1. In the sidebar, select the investment account you want to use.
  2. Click the Transactions tab and then click the New Transaction icon in the register toolbar.
  3. Select Reinvest > Short-term Capital Gain from the Transaction Types list.
  4. Add the information for:
  5. To add an attachment, go to the Attachments tab, click the Add attachment button, and select the file you want to attach to the transaction.
  6. Click Save when you are done.