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Create an estimate or invoice

Edit the information on an estimate

Edit the information on an invoice


Add a customized email

You can send a customized email to your payee, along with an invoice or estimate. 

  1. Create an invoice or estimate as you usually would. For the best experience, ensure that the invoice or estimate is otherwise completed.
  2. Select the Email button on the form. The Email Preview window will appear.
  3. Customize the email to suit your needs. This usually means changing the email text to update or personalize the message, but you can change the content of the From, To, and Subject fields. You can also choose whether to include a PDF attachment of the invoice or estimate.

    Email messages must be less than 500 characters.

  4. If you wish to reuse this email as a template in the future, select Save As at the top of the screen. The Save Template As screen will appear. Give the template a unique name. You can also choose to Set as default template.
  5. Click Send Email to deliver the email to your recipient.

This feature requires Quicken Business & Personal. Learn how you can upgrade Quicken in minutes.