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Net Income displays the amount of money your combined accounts increased or decreased by in a given month. If you brought in more money than you spent, then your Net Income will appear as a green bar extending above the line. If you spent more money than you brought in, then your net income will appear as a red bar extending below the line.

To find out more, you You can hover your mouse above an item and a bar to see the exact amount of the Net Income.

You can also select any a bar to see the transactions for that the corresponding month. The transactions will appear in the Transactions Activity list below the bar chart.


Income vs. Spending displays a green bar for the total of all your income in a given month and a red bar for a total of all your spending in a given month. Whichever amount is greater will have a higher bar.

To find out more, you You can hover your mouse above an item and a bar to see the exact amount of your Income and Spending.


You can also select any bar to see the your transactions for that month. The transactions will appear in the Transactions Activity list below the bar chart.
